2019 Northwest Glaciology Meeting Scientific Program
Discussion Questions:
What has been the biggest most recent finding? Why was it important?
Where are the biggest gaps in knowledge still? What will filling that gap accomplish?
What is one big idea for future work in this area?
8 to 9am: Registration, coffee, tea, and light breakfast items.
9 to 9:10 Welcome
9:10 to 10:30
Session 1: Snow and Firn Processes (Chair: Christian wild)
Steve Warren - Snow spikes in the dry Andes; maybe not on Europa
Colin Meyer - Dry snow compaction: theory and French-press experiments
Max Stevens - Measuring firn compaction rates at the South Pole
Giovanni Corti - Refreezing in the Firn of the Greenland Ice Sheet
Ed Waddington - Next generation of firn models -a proposal
10:30 to 10:45: Break
10:45 to 12:15pm:
Session 2: Mountain Glacier Change (Chair: Kiya Riverman)
Shad O’Neel - USGS Benchmark Glacier mass balance reanalysis
David Shean - High-mountain Asia Geodetic mass balance
Caitlyn Flourentine - Testing the Montana benchmark glacier against regional ice mass loss
Lavanya Ashokkumar - Sea-level estimate from glaciers in High Mountain Asia using GRACE constrained model/Mass and sea-level estimates from Alaska and Canadian Archipelago using a GRACE constrained model until the end of 21st century
Andrew Fountain - Glacier Change Olympic Mountains
12:15 to 1:45pm: Lunch (1.5 hours)
1:45 to 3:15pm: Third session talks (6 talks)
Session 3: More Mountain Glacier Change (Chair: Max Stevens)
Erik Young - Understanding the drivers of Kaskawulsh Glacier thinning, southwest Yukon, Canada, 2007-2018
Abby Hudak - North Cascade glacier thinning and recession
Emily Baker - Alaska, 2019: A Summer of Extremes A brief summary of Alaska's off-the-charts hot and dry summer 2019, and impacts observed at USGS benchmark glaciers.
Bryce Glenn - Volume Change of Glaciers in the Western US
Pierce Hunter - Modeling temperate ice development in Antarctic Ice Streams.
3:15 to 3:45: Break
3:45 to 5pm: Fourth session talks (5 talks)
Doug Brinkerhoff - The (in-)ability of coupled ice flow-hydrology models to reproduce time-varying observations of glacier velocity.
David Polashenski - Investigating the Evolution of Basal Sliding Rates on the Athabasca Glacier
Andrew Nolan - Kinematics of the Unprecedentedly Short Surge Cycles of Turner Glacier, St. Elias Mountains, Alaska, from 1980 to 2013
Paul Winberry - Thwaites Glacial EQ's
9 to 10:30: First session talks (6 talks)
Session 5: Ice Dynamics and more basal processes (Chair: Doug Brinkerhoff)
DanielShapero - Phase field methods for melting (and possibly calving?!)
Ben Hill - ImpDAR: An Open-Source Impulse Radar Processor
Lynn Kaluzienski - Evolution of the McMurdo Shear Zone: Determining Kinematic Threshold Values for Crevasse Initiation
Megan Thompson-Munson - Evidence of cross-flow deformation in the Greenland Ice Sheet's ablation zone
Anna Gribbon - Applying high-resolution SAR motion tracking to diverse glacial environments
Jon Edwards - Total Air Content WAIS Divide.
10:30 to 10:45: Break
10:45 to 12:15pm: Second session talks (6 talks)
Session 6: Melting Ice - Ice/Ocean Interactions of Tidewater Glaciers (Chair Ed Waddington):
Alex Hager - Subglacial discharge and bathymetric influence on fjord circulation and renewal: LeConte Bay, AK
Jonathan Nash - LeConte Ocean Dynamics
Jason Amundson - LeConte or Taku?
Matt Cooper - Measurements of solar flux transmission in bare glacier ice: Implications for albedo and meltwater production in the Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone
Julian Cross - Glacial Meltwater Modeling and the Water Budget of Lakes in Taylor Valley (1996-2013)
Daniel Otto - Icefields to Oceans: Progress Update
12:15 to 1:30pm: Lunch (1.25 hours)
1:30 to 3:!5pm: Third session talks
Session 7: Ice/Ocean dynamic Interactions of Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves, Greenland, Antarctica (Chair: Roman Motyka)
Christian Wild - Tide induced velocity fluctuations of Priestley Glacier, Antarctica, revealed by TRI data
Chris Miele - Bending an undercut glacier: relating calving to submarine melt via bending moments
Emma Swaninger - Summer ice mélange’s mechanical strength and effects on glacier flow at Rink Isbræ, West Greenland
Taryn Black - An annual record of terminus positions in northwestern Greenland from 1972-2018
Kiya Riverman - Complex geometry of the Thwaites grounding zone
Madi Rosevear - Diffusive convection controls basal melting of Antarctic ice shelves
3:15 to 3:30: Break
3:30 to 5pm: Fourth session talks
Session 8: Cool Other Ice IDEAS (CHAIR: Tim BArtholomaus)
Abby Lute - "Environmental niche models elucidate controls on the distribution of rock glaciers"
Allison Trcka - Rock Glaciers of the American West: Re-analysis of Rock Glacier Inventories
Shashank Bhushan - Photogrammetry with Planet: Evaluation of Planet Lab's imagery for observing Glaciers and Natural Hazards
Frederich Knuth - Automated production of high-resolution DEMs from historical imagery for quantitative analysis of glacial and geomorphological change
Hester Jiskoot - Watch for Ice: Sailing the Northwest Passage on the 1915 ketch "Tecla"
+Everyone - outreach/science communication???