2019 Northwest Glaciology Meeting Scientific Program

Discussion Questions:

  • What has been the biggest most recent finding? Why was it important?

  • Where are the biggest gaps in knowledge still? What will filling that gap accomplish?

  • What is one big idea for future work in this area?


8 to 9am: Registration, coffee, tea, and light breakfast items.

9 to 9:10 Welcome

9:10 to 10:30

Session 1: Snow and Firn Processes (Chair: Christian wild)

  • Steve Warren - Snow spikes in the dry Andes; maybe not on Europa

  • Colin Meyer - Dry snow compaction: theory and French-press experiments

  • Max Stevens - Measuring firn compaction rates at the South Pole

  • Giovanni Corti - Refreezing in the Firn of the Greenland Ice Sheet

  • Ed Waddington - Next generation of firn models -a proposal

  • Discussion (10 -15 min)

10:30 to 10:45: Break

10:45 to 12:15pm:

Session 2: Mountain Glacier Change (Chair: Kiya Riverman)

  • Shad O’Neel - USGS Benchmark Glacier mass balance reanalysis

  • David Shean - High-mountain Asia Geodetic mass balance

  • Caitlyn Flourentine - Testing the Montana benchmark glacier against regional ice mass loss

  • Lavanya Ashokkumar - Sea-level estimate from glaciers in High Mountain Asia using GRACE constrained model/Mass and sea-level estimates from Alaska and Canadian Archipelago using a GRACE constrained model until the end of 21st century

  • Andrew Fountain - Glacier Change Olympic Mountains

  • Discussion (10-15 min)

12:15 to 1:45pm: Lunch (1.5 hours)

1:45 to 3:15pm: Third session talks (6 talks)

Session 3: More Mountain Glacier Change (Chair: Max Stevens)

  • Erik Young - Understanding the drivers of Kaskawulsh Glacier thinning, southwest Yukon, Canada, 2007-2018

  • Abby Hudak - North Cascade glacier thinning and recession

  • Emily Baker - Alaska, 2019: A Summer of Extremes A brief summary of Alaska's off-the-charts hot and dry summer 2019, and impacts observed at USGS benchmark glaciers.

  • Bryce Glenn - Volume Change of Glaciers in the Western US

  • Pierce Hunter - Modeling temperate ice development in Antarctic Ice Streams.

  • Discussion (10-15)

3:15 to 3:45: Break

3:45 to 5pm: Fourth session talks (5 talks)


  • Doug Brinkerhoff - The (in-)ability of coupled ice flow-hydrology models to reproduce time-varying observations of glacier velocity.

  • David Polashenski - Investigating the Evolution of Basal Sliding Rates on the Athabasca Glacier

  • Andrew Nolan - Kinematics of the Unprecedentedly Short Surge Cycles of Turner Glacier, St. Elias Mountains, Alaska, from 1980 to 2013

  • Paul Winberry - Thwaites Glacial EQ's

  • Discussion (10-15)


9 to 10:30: First session talks (6 talks)

Session 5: Ice Dynamics and more basal processes (Chair: Doug Brinkerhoff)

  • DanielShapero - Phase field methods for melting (and possibly calving?!)

  • Ben Hill - ImpDAR: An Open-Source Impulse Radar Processor

  • Lynn Kaluzienski - Evolution of the McMurdo Shear Zone: Determining Kinematic Threshold Values for Crevasse Initiation

  • Megan Thompson-Munson - Evidence of cross-flow deformation in the Greenland Ice Sheet's ablation zone

  • Anna Gribbon - Applying high-resolution SAR motion tracking to diverse glacial environments

  • Jon Edwards - Total Air Content WAIS Divide.

  • Discussion (10-15)

10:30 to 10:45: Break

10:45 to 12:15pm: Second session talks (6 talks)

Session 6: Melting Ice - Ice/Ocean Interactions of Tidewater Glaciers (Chair Ed Waddington):

  • Alex Hager - Subglacial discharge and bathymetric influence on fjord circulation and renewal: LeConte Bay, AK

  • Jonathan Nash - LeConte Ocean Dynamics

  • Jason Amundson - LeConte or Taku?

  • Matt Cooper - Measurements of solar flux transmission in bare glacier ice: Implications for albedo and meltwater production in the Greenland Ice Sheet ablation zone

  • Julian Cross - Glacial Meltwater Modeling and the Water Budget of Lakes in Taylor Valley (1996-2013)

  • Daniel Otto - Icefields to Oceans: Progress Update

12:15 to 1:30pm: Lunch (1.25 hours)

1:30 to 3:!5pm: Third session talks

Session 7: Ice/Ocean dynamic Interactions of Ice Sheets and Ice Shelves, Greenland, Antarctica (Chair: Roman Motyka)

  • Christian Wild - Tide induced velocity fluctuations of Priestley Glacier, Antarctica, revealed by TRI data

  • Chris Miele - Bending an undercut glacier: relating calving to submarine melt via bending moments

  • Emma Swaninger - Summer ice mélange’s mechanical strength and effects on glacier flow at Rink Isbræ, West Greenland

  • Taryn Black - An annual record of terminus positions in northwestern Greenland from 1972-2018

  • Kiya Riverman - Complex geometry of the Thwaites grounding zone

  • Madi Rosevear - Diffusive convection controls basal melting of Antarctic ice shelves

  • Discussion (10-15)

3:15 to 3:30: Break

3:30 to 5pm: Fourth session talks

Session 8: Cool Other Ice IDEAS (CHAIR: Tim BArtholomaus)

  • Abby Lute - "Environmental niche models elucidate controls on the distribution of rock glaciers"

  • Allison Trcka - Rock Glaciers of the American West: Re-analysis of Rock Glacier Inventories

  • Shashank Bhushan - Photogrammetry with Planet: Evaluation of Planet Lab's imagery for observing Glaciers and Natural Hazards

  • Frederich Knuth - Automated production of high-resolution DEMs from historical imagery for quantitative analysis of glacial and geomorphological change

  • Hester Jiskoot - Watch for Ice: Sailing the Northwest Passage on the 1915 ketch "Tecla"

  • +Everyone - outreach/science communication???

  • Discussion (10-15)