I didn't expect to end up in this town when we started our journey!!! Turns out that the town we arrived at in Patagonia has nothing but an airport. Nothing. nada. zilch. really? Not a place to get a coffee or fuel to cook me dinner?
Plan B: we got on a bus and headed north. North? Really? We're supposed to be heading south. gosh darn it E+J, can't you get your act togther? So here we are again.... still not on our bikes. So we get on this bus and they put these silly party hats on again. Enough birthday guys. Let's get on to riding.... those birthday hats sure were tasty. E+J not impressed.
We ended up chatting with these German cyclists, who were also in the same boat, I mean bus. So we followed them to a German hostel in the next little town to the north - Coyhaique - which turns out to be not so little.
Unboxed our bikes - everything in one piece - yeah!
Erin was so happy to see her bike. I'm wondering where I'm going to ride
It's a ski town, and has a HUGE hardware store (read Home-depot sized), so we picked up fuel, bought cherries on the street, and dinner. Meat Meat Meat! Who knew hedgehogs ate meat? Well apparently Chilean hedgehogs do.
the carne solo plate...
And guess what they also have down here? Chilean monkeypuzzletrees! You wouldn't believe how hard they are to climb, but I perservered!
these trees are a lot like the oregonian monkey puzzle tree, except they grow upside down.
bedtime. Time to sleep. First real bed in 3 days.