Race to the ferry

The second ferry of our trip left at 3pm and is 42 km away, which doesn't seem like much, but involved a significant climb winding up a pass to get to the sea on the other side.  E&J panned to leave at ten.



I was still recovering, feeling a little soggy, and hoping for some brilliant sunshine to warm my damp fur.  


And sunshine it was!


The climb switch-backed up a narrow canyon, steep enough that a few french cyclists were pushing their bikes and saying words I don't like hearing! E&J passed them on up, and it seemed like we were making good time.  Stopping to enjoy views of beautiful alpine lakes at the top.


We saw lots of signs for Huemel protection and crossing, like this one, they are a deer-like animal. I wanted deperately to see one! But no, despite all of the signs, never a wild animal of any kind. Just cows and sheep.


Between J getting a little distracted chatting with some cyclists from Britain going to opposite direction, and the proported  "downhill" which included lots more uphill, J&E discovered they were still 12km away 40 minutes before the 3pm ferry departure (Google claimed 27 minutes by car). J&E went into overdrive and pounded down the valley. Where are my googles? The wind in my face! 

Phew, we made it with 10 minutes to spare. Just long enough to buy empanadas at the little cafe in the hut at the ferry landing.


20 kms later, wind at our backs, we found ourselves at a beautiful campsite along the rio bravo.


Yummy lentil ginger coconut curry for dinner. 
