Slept in an awesome little Cabana on the beach. I would have had a great view if I had turned around.
Resupply day. We were so excited to get to a big enough town with three (3!) supermarkets. I was just a little dissapointed that the only fresh fruit and veggies they had in the town were some bananas, oranges, onions, and potatoes (Erin doesn't really think potatoes qualify as a vegetable, I just don't understand why they are arguing about such details! It is food that is fresh). so it goes sometimes. But we now have lentils! They are dried, but still good.
We didn't leave until 4pm after an awesome lunch of samon ceviche.
I did not like being squashed between two bananas for the ride. But in the end the bananas provided extra padding for me on the rough road. Especially when we hit the giant potholes, see below.
More turqueza colors, and flowers everywhere! This is a big lake.
Erin tumbled over once (eggs survivied), J came darn close to falling too (remember my banana padding?). Rough road. Check out that pothole. So deep it could sink a hedgie-sized ship. We only made it 20km in over 3 hours.
Made it to a nice farm with a guest house. Why go farther? I was on Erin's side of the debate. Lamb dinner, complete with lamb friend "baaaa"ing outside the window.
and inside.