E-biking Marseilles on Thanksgiving Day!!

Ok - these E-bikes are more fun than I thought. Did we every go a long way? We were cruising…made it to this awesome national park just south of the city. And look at those sunny skies!

Ok - these E-bikes are more fun than I thought. Did we every go a long way? We were cruising…made it to this awesome national park just south of the city. And look at those sunny skies!

Mediterranean Islands everywhere. Sunshine an warm winds (look ma - no mitts!) What are those rocks made of? I don’t think it is limestone? Erin, you know?

Mediterranean Islands everywhere. Sunshine an warm winds (look ma - no mitts!) What are those rocks made of? I don’t think it is limestone? Erin, you know?

What a goophy family I’m traveling with. The stuff I put up with!

What a goophy family I’m traveling with. The stuff I put up with!

Back to sea level. (And almost back to the bike shop). Everyone still smiling except me. (they stuck me in a pannier - really?)

Back to sea level. (And almost back to the bike shop). Everyone still smiling except me. (they stuck me in a pannier - really?)

It was Thanksgiving. Which meant we were inspired to stay in our loft apartment with the fabulous views and cook dinner ourselves. Raclette!! Yummy!!
