Dal made it too!
How fun is this - they are giving away free plants, seeds and bulbs to anyone who stops by. This group “Vegetalisons Paris” wants everyone to have a few flowers and greenery in their lives.
And games on the street too. We loved this one! There were ping-pong tables, folks playing with Jenga blocks. All sorts of fun. But boy oh boy it was cold - Sophie was wearing mittts. Glad I was wearing my furry coat!
Paris loves to combine old with new and classic with funky. So I LOVED this building along the waterfront!!! My favorite building in Paris, easily.
My favorite museum? PIcasso, of course. I felt at home with the characters in his paintings.
It was Sophie’s favorite museum too. She spent the rest of the trip making picassoesque drawings!
Le Louvre - one of the greatest museums in the world! (And they let me in - glad they didn’t put me into a glass cage like this woman). Actually, she’s an Egyptian “Mummy” - look at all the writing on her - I wonder what it says?
These guys looked much more fun to hang out with!!
But really, why do you go to the Louvre? To see the Mona Lisa, of course! So small… I was surprised at that. But the best part was that her eyes really did follow me around the room. How does she do that???? Like Santa Claus - who is visiting every house in the world on the same night, Mona Lisa looks at everyone in the room at the same time!
Super cool to see a real artist at work inside the museum.
The Eiffel Tower was awesome (but too much security). The Picasso museum was awesome. The Louvre was awesome. After three days exploring the streets and museum of Paris, we were tired, but full of inspiration. But it was getting cold. So we decided to head south, to the Mediterranean.