Northwest Glaciology Schedule of Events and Additional Information
Important things to remember:
The conference will be in the Memorial Union (MU) building on campus, Room 109.
Please bring a rain jacket, you will likely be walking from you car to the venue and to the dinner Friday
Lunches will be on our own - there area number of nearby restaurants that are fast. And if it is nice, we can have a picnic on the lawn.
If you requested to stay with a local host, you should have gotten an email about that. Please contact us if not.
Please bring a name tag from another conference you have attended recently.
Please bring a coffee mug/cup for drinking hot and cold drinks - we appreciate minimizing waste.
The dinner gathering Friday will be at 1557 NW Taylor, this is a 10-15 minute walk from the conference room.
Best place to park on Friday will be on neighborhood streets to the north of campus between the MU and the location of the dinner gathering. Should be easy to park on the street if you get there early, and is free all day. If you come later, it might be difficult.
The registration fee will be $20 for students and $40 for all others. The excursions will be $10 each (see below for more info). Best if you bring cash or can do venmo or paypal. Check is ok if necessary. No credit cards are accepted!
We encourage 10 minute talks, to allow time for discussion.
If you need childcare information or have other accommodation needs please contact Erin.
Questions? Please contact Erin (pettiter at
Arrivals - please get yourself settled in your lodging.
If you are arriving by train and would like to be picked up, let us know - I think we can figure out a way to make that happen.
3pm: Winery visit. Meet in the lobby of the COEAS Admin Building (Small stucco building at 26th and Monroe) Winery visit. We will be going to the Airlie Winery, approximately a 40 minute drive. It will likely be $10 paid at the winery. We will be there from 4-6pm and then return to Corvallis by 7pm.
Please confirm your interest so we have numbers for the vans by clicking the button above. We will likely have a few extra spots, but we’d like to get the best number possible. Thank you!
8 to 9am: Registration, coffee, tea, and light breakfast items.
If you are giving a talk, please arrive early enough to confirm your title and see where you will fit in the program:
Evolving program is here
9 to 10:30: First session talks (6 talks)
10:30 to 10:45: Break
10:45 to 12:15pm: Second session talks (6 talks)
12:15 to 1:45pm: Lunch (1.5 hours)
1:45 to 3:!5pm: Third session talks (6 talks)
3:15 to 3:45: Break
3:45 to 5pm: Fourth session talks (5 talks)
5:15pm onward:
Dinner at Erin Pettit and Jonathan Nash’s house.
1557 NW Taylor Ave.
If you show up right at 5:15, you be put to work helping with final setup!
9 to 10:30: First session talks (6 talks)
10:30 to 10:45: Break
10:45 to 12:15pm: Second session talks (6 talks)
12:15 to 1:45pm: Lunch (1.5 hours)
1:45 to 3:!5pm: Third session talks (6 talks)
3:15 to 3:45: Break
3:45 to 5pm: Fourth session talks (5 talks)
8am: Eliot Glacier Excursion. We will leave from the CEOAS Admin Building. Details in the link below. Please click the button to confirm that you want to come - again, we will likely have some extra space for flexibility, but the better we know the numbers the easier it is!